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Showing posts from July, 2018

Day 16

For my final day in Boston I thought I'd ride the sightseeing bus to see if I missed anything of note in the city. I always try to do these if they're available in a city as you get a good whistlestop tour around the place. I guess someone had a good night! The Boston Clock Tower, built around 1910. Odd car. Another way to the city. I can't help feeling stupid doing it though and it reminds me of the time in Japan where some French friends lost control of their Segways and smashed their way out of the enclosure.  The New England Holocaust Memorial is a series of glass pillars and wall engraved with the numbers and quotes of some of those who endured it. The Orpheum Theatre is one of the other music venues in the city. I love the Art Deco look it has. Boston has a jazz history with venues like Wally's still holding the scene.  Some art pieces around the city. The buses were going to stop running as far out as

Day 15

Time for more sightseeing around the city, this time trying to avoid the Freedom Trail. This food stand is outside the city children's museum. It's been around since the 1930s. I had a quick explore around the city's South Station. Whilst there I spotted a train running to Providence, which is Rhode Island; one of the 6 states I've left to get. A chat with the ticket office staff revealed the journey was around an hour and running regularly through the day. I didn't get the old style train, mine was the aluminium-looking one further down the platform. The journey was fine and the train was surprisingly ok. I'd heard bad things about Amtrak but found it to be OK and it opens up doors to more travel in the future (I choose not to drive so am severely impeded in America). Even better the State Capitol Building is directly outside the station. Bonus! I had a little walk around Providence, with most of the time spent in a near